CS699: Robotic Manipulation

Fall 2024

The "official" title is Deep Learning for Robotic Manipulation but we may cover some manipulation topics which are not learning-based.

You can find the CSCI 699 website from Fall 2023 here.


Daniel Seita

Teaching Assistants



Sign up for Piazza here: https://piazza.com/usc/fall2024/csci699robotmanipulation

Class Schedule

Thursdays: 3:30 pm to 6:50 pm. Location: DMC 101.

Office Hours

Daniel: Thursdays, 1:45pm to 3:00pm (at PHE 212).

Course Description

This special topics class and seminar will cover state of the art advances in robot manipulation. This is about robots interacting with and affecting their environment, and could refer to things such as grasping, pushing, picking-and-placing, tossing, and many other actions. Aided in part by the rise of deep learning and subsequent advances in robot perception, the research area of robot manipulation has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. Nonetheless, despite this progress, real-world manipulation remains fundamentally hard. In this course, we will review and understand robot manipulation with a focus on using learning-based techniques. We will explore how to get such systems to work more reliably in unstructured real world settings.

For Fall 2024, we will continue the "multimodality" theme from last fall, where we study robots that can handle multiple types of inputs or perform multiple types of actions. For example, this would include robot manipulation based on language and images as input. For 2024, we will also focus on higher-DOF control, including bimanual robots, quadrupeds with arms, and humanoid manipulation. We will also emphasize learning from human feedback.

In this class, students will read, review, and present research papers. Most research papers will be recent and have cutting-edge results. Students will also work on a substantial final project. This class is aimed at PhD students who are doing research in this topic. However, undergraduates and master's students can enroll with permission of the instructor. If interested, please talk to the instructor at the beginning of the semester.

Weekly Schedule and Paper List

Here is the weekly schedule and paper list:


Guide to Course Materials

See this document for more details about the presentations, paper reviews, scribe notes, and class final project:


Lecture and Class Structure

See the spreadsheet above for the schedule. The first two lectures will provide background material. After the first two lectures, each 3+ hour class will involve presentations and discussions of research papers. The class will be structured (roughly) as follows:

Instead of paper discussions, the final week will involve a summary of what we have learned, and final project presentations. Thus, besides the first and last parts of the class, most weeks will involve students learning from academic robot manipulation research papers. We will not record the lectures but the slides will be made publicly available.


Courses such as CSCI 467: Introduction to Machine Learning, and CSCI 545: Introduction to Robotics, are recommended but not required. Students are expected to be familiar with the fundamentals of robotics (especially manipulation) and machine learning, or be willing to learn the material as needed. This class will consist largely of reading and discussing papers, which requires some degree of technical maturity.


Your grade will be based on:

Depending on the number of students in class, we may adjust the relative grading portion of the class presentations versus paper reviews. In addition, since this is a seminar-style class, students will be expected to attend class, unless they have notified the instructor in advance. You must inform the instructor regarding every absence. Frequent absences will be handled on a case-by-case basis and will result in some grading penalty.

Tentative grading scale, conditioned on adequate class attendance:

The grading scale may change over the semester.

Learning Objectives
Academic Integrity

Discussing with other students at a high level is allowed, but you must write up your own paper reviews and write, prepare, and deliver your own class presentation (if these are done in groups, then you can discuss with your group members). For final projects, you must also acknowledge whether this is ongoing and concurrent research (and to what extent you will be implementing or working on class-related material), and whether you are re-using materials for another class.

You are welcome to use whatever resources you need to best learn the material. In general, we agree with Jeff Erickson's citation policy. For example:

  • If you used someone else's blog post as a background reference, you must cite it.
  • Using Generative AI is encouraged, but you must tell us how you use it.
  • We will provide templates for assignments where you must acknowledge the ingredients you used for your assignment and/or project.

    Accommodating Diverse Needs

    If you have a disability and need academic accommodations, please discuss any needs with me as soon as possible. I will work with you to ensure that your needs are met and that we are able to effectively achieve the educational goals of this course. I hope that students with diverse backgrounds can all benefit from the course. If there is something I can do to make this course better achieve that objective, feel free to contact me with suggestions.

    Related Materials and References

    Some relevant USC courses:

    This course is adapted from two CMU courses:

    Other useful courses you might consider consulting for additional material on robot learning and manipulation include: